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发表于 2011-3-10 22:22:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Huffington Post是美国著名的政治类博客网站

一位JOE McDONALD转贴的关于“黄光裕被判14年徒刑”的一篇美国新闻报道,原文标题: Huang Guangyu, Former Richest Man In China, Gets 14 Years In Jail

Scott Zwartz 02:26 PM on 5/20/2010 81 Fans
  Now we know why Wall Street won't be moving to China.
  Abdi S 01:42 AM on 5/19/2010 22 Fans
  If this case happen in America then this billionare would be free and elected congressmen or senate.
  Scott Zwartz 02:28 PM on 5/20/2010 81 Fans
  What do you mean "if"? She's running for Governor of California.
  4peace 12:53 AM on 5/19/2010 53 Fans
  Why can't we put our white collar criminals in prison?
  Scott Zwartz 02:43 PM on 5/20/2010 81 Fans
  Because the courts have been bought by the crooks.
  The judicial system is more corrupt than the legislatures and the governors combined. There will come a time when the myth that the courts are honest does not override the need to get rid of the corruption. The problem is that society needs people to voluntarily follow court orders rather than calling out the cops with their guns to enforce every court order. But on the other hand, when the judicial corruption is so massive than it threatens society, then we have to dispossess ourselves of the myth of an honest judiciary.
  4peace 06:01 PM on 5/20/2010 53 Fans
  I know, it was really a rhetorical question. Our system is so corrupt I believe it is beyond repair.
  KCFreedom 12:37 AM on 5/19/2010 43 Fans
  As the old saying goes "behind every big fortune lies a big crime"...
  At least they lock up billionaires over in China. Gotta respect that. Too bad we can't do that here.
  munki 01:20 AM on 5/19/2010 53 Fans Follow
  Our billionaire can hire attorneys - to play with out legal system.
  We have a basic problem...
  Whoever can hire the best brain... that is it!
  Scott Zwartz 02:46 PM on 5/20/2010 81 Fans
  Actually, in California business has a motto: "what good is buying a court system if you can't use it when you need it?" Big Business' best investment is in buying judges. Then it does not matter what laws Congress passes.
  Hank007 06:42 PM on 5/18/2010 298 Fans
  What in China they call 'bribes', we in America we call 'campaign contributions'.
  4peace 12:54 AM on 5/19/2010 53 Fans
  LiberalEastTexan 02:22 PM on 5/18/2010 11 Fans
  Fourteen years? He got off easy - Mao would have had him shot.
  nexxtep54 08:22 PM on 5/18/2010 363 Fans
  Bush would have hired him.
  Steven Siegel 08:43 PM on 5/18/2010 13 Fans
  Obama would have made him a Czar.
  4peace 12:56 AM on 5/19/2010 54 Fans
  ...and given him the medal of "freedom".
  indi1216 01:02 PM on 5/18/2010 26 Fans
  14 years for corruption and insider trading??? US need to have tough laws like this.
  duxguts 02:42 AM on 5/19/2010 57 Fans
  Never happen. The people who wrire our laws are corrupt.
  Mark701 12:40 PM on 5/18/2010 43 Fans
  You have to love the Chinese when it comes to stuff like this. No arguments, appeals, friends in high places or any amount of money will save you if you've committed a crime. The US could learn something from them.
  CJHAN 12:00 PM on 5/18/2010 26 Fans
  You dont get to be the richest person in any country without breaking some laws but being that they are so rich it is often overlooked.
  Blarg 01:12 PM on 5/18/2010 44 Fans
  Or you get yourself elected president, like Italy's Berlusconi, and then you can say what the laws are and when they should be enforced.
  hippie4ever 11:32 AM on 5/18/2010 928 Fans
  I applaud The Peoples Republic of China and suggest this is a decent model for dealing with rich criminals, for example George W Bush, Dick Cheney, the BofD of BP, and other sociopaths.
  GiantCrab 11:20 AM on 5/18/2010 29 Fans
  A rich man will never go to jail in this country, unless his crimes are against other rich people.
  hippie4ever 11:34 AM on 5/18/2010 928 Fans
  Not even then -- they'd meet in a sauna and trade the fate of entire peoples like it was a card game. I hope the rich are the christians they self-proclaim
  because I want them to fear going to hell on their death beds.
  Rod DK 11:15 AM on 5/18/2010 152 Fans Follow
  I guess that if the CEO in the US was facing 14 years in jail they might think twice about the shenanigans they have been doing. Might be a good time to look to China and learn from them.
  Jim Marusak 12:42 PM on 5/18/2010 9 Fans
  question would be then in the US, if we enforced this same standard on companies and their officers as well as the politicians, who would be left standing? then again, do the chinese consider excessive campaign donations bribes, or no?
  shanghaislim 12:47 PM on 5/18/2010 84 Fans
  I have been saying this here for 5 years.
  They even sentence to death and either commute or execute the top CEO's if their greed exceeds 100 million.
  That's a deterrent!!!!
  Guys from Goldman Sachs, Enron, Countrywide, etc., etc., etc. should count their blessings?
  jeffp26 11:14 AM on 5/18/2010 71 Fans
  Oh how badly I wish that justice in this country didn't change the penalty depending on how rich one were.
  If only we locked up people like this, for long periods, in real jails, we would see less corruption.
  How about starting with our elected representatives who get caught stealing money from us?
  cheetahpea 11:13 AM on 5/18/2010 61 Fans
  Why can't we get the same type of justice right here in America?
  nomoredead 10:55 AM on 5/18/2010 125 Fans
  See...if he worked for Goldman Sachs he would be getting a multi million dollar bonus.
  PharmaCan 10:44 AM on 5/18/2010 421 Fans
  So, how do we go about "outsourcing" our financial system oversight to the Chinese?
  BBackSoon 10:42 AM on 5/18/2010 178 Fans
  What the Chinese government does is often not good in the way of Civil Rights but you got to love the fact that just being rich is not a stay out of jail free card.
  Altruth 10:40 AM on 5/18/2010 272 Fans
  Lucky guy, he got 14 years instead of the firing squad!
  sidplicity 10:38 AM on 5/18/2010 69 Fans Follow
  Well at least the Chinese prosecute their corporate criminals.
  pjwrites 10:22 AM on 5/18/2010 81 Fans
  "The government said in 2008 he also was suspected of share price manipulation, money laundering, illicit asset transfers and tax evasion."
  If these were crimes in the U.S., half of the leaders of our financial and business industries and government would be in jail right now.
  pjwrites 10:19 AM on 5/18/2010 81 Fans
  "Accusations of bribery, tax evasion and the collusion of corrupt officials in financial abuses are common in China."
  I thought, quite naturally, this statement would end with the words "United States", rather than China. Pot, meet kettle.
  Cookie100 10:08 AM on 5/18/2010 789 Fans
  Never thought I'd say this, but why can't we jail Lloyd Blankfein! Let's send him to China at the very least!
  thirteen13 09:57 AM on 5/18/2010 15 Fans Follow
  The USA is being sucked into oblivion by corrupt corporate elitists. The corrupt corporate elitists own the politicians. The victims (taxpayers) are content with capitalism and free enterprise. We jail people for victimless crimes (posession of illegal drugs). We have been convinced that's a good thing. Corporate
  entities destroy our environment and the victims (taxpayers) tolerate it because this is a "free country".
  Communist China does not tolerate corrupt elitists because their government has control of it's own destiny. Unlike the USA government that has little or no control of it's destiny. Like it or not, our destiny is being indebted to a Communist Nation.
  KingGeorgetheTurd 09:57 AM on 5/18/2010 134 Fans
  Always said, the only true form of capitalism is Organized crime. Only in the west, its legal.
  AbeMartin 09:44 AM on 5/18/2010 139 Fans
  Ah, yes. We forget that the ruling Chinese Communist party do have techniques in place to assure that the corrupt executives do not get too far out of line. Chairman Huang is fortunate because many corrupt and inept politicians get a bullet to the back of the head. Perhaps the United States can outsource securities and banking regulation to Beijing and we will get to see how fashionable the executives at BP, Merrill Lynch, Halliburton, AIG, Countrywide,
  Goldman Sachs, Transocean, Citi, Bank of America, and Xe look in their new bright orange (Chinese made) jumpsuits.
  Madhyamika 09:17 AM on 5/18/2010 26 Fans
  The AIG executives, Madoffs and the like have it good. How lucky that they do not operate in China!
  vippy 09:17 AM on 5/18/2010 272 Fans Follow
  I hope it serves as a lesson to others. They can become Billionaires the honest way but then they get greedy and like this guy, end up in jail or get beheaded. Too bad the same does not happen here. Could it be that the Chinese have a better government than we, sure looks like that.
  pjwrites 10:24 AM on 5/18/2010 81 Fans
  What makes you think anyone can become a billionaire being honest? Honestly, I don't think it can be done.
  Waltfl 09:15 AM on 5/18/2010 617 Fans Follow
  Poor guy. His only mistake was that he chose the wrong country. He should have come to the USA, and he would have gotten the Presidential Medal of Honor, a mega-yacht, and a mansion in the Hamptons.
  atexasdem 09:00 AM on 5/18/2010 117 Fans
  Difference between China and US. In China and are an official and caught doing wrong you are executed. You never know when they will come to your cell and put one in you but they will come. Your family will then be charged for the bullet. In US, you retire with a pension. In China, convicted of corrupt business practices? You spend years in a Chinese prison at very hard labor. In US after years of appeals you are sentenced to a "country club". where you learn to become a really good card player and watch cable television.
  I know they're "evil communists" but I wonder, maybe they're right and we're the ones who are wrong.
  Suidae 08:54 AM on 5/18/2010 9 Fans
  I'm not saying there aren't serious problems with things like human rights and free speech with China, but this is the difference between China and US. Even the richest man is not above the law. In US, the richest have the lawmakers in their pocket.
  pat8942 08:49 AM on 5/18/2010 41 Fans
  Being rich, going to jail would never happen here in the USA.
  Here he would be brought before Congress, asked a few questions and then go on doing the same thing as if nothing ever happened.
  DustinTime 08:46 AM on 5/18/2010 333 Fans
  BEIJING ? An appliance retailer who was once China's richest businessman was sentenced to 14 years for insider trading and other crimes Tuesday, the latest in a series of Chinese tycoons jailed for financial offenses.
  北京? 周二,一个曾是中国最富的家电零售商人因内幕交易和其他罪名被宣判十四年徒刑,这是因金融犯罪而入狱的一系列中国巨头最近的一位。
  Meanwhile, here in the good ol' USA, the 100% private Federal Reserve still refuses to comply with court orders to reveal where the trillions went, Obama hails the vile Wall Street sharks who have enriched themselves by hollowing out our economy as "titans of industry" at the White House even though they actually produce nothing but disaster, Goldman Sachs is getting their Supreme Court pick, and the CIA is probably sneaking Madoff out of prison as we speak.
  This is why America is falling to @&^$ and China will surpass us completely.
  k6007 08:20 AM on 5/18/2010 521 Fans
  Now that we've sent them all our jobs and economic strenght...can they send us their justice dept. They would have a Field Day with the corruption on wall st.
  vet-of4renwarz 08:48 AM on 5/18/2010 40 Fans
  Why stop at Wall Street... how about inside the government... last time Chinese officials accepted money from big corporation both of them got death penalty(the powder milk incident)...
  letprosecutionsbegin 08:16 AM on 5/18/2010 204 Fans
  Bribery, tax evasion and collusion of corrupt officials for facilitating financial abuse (crimes) is just plain wong -- We should stop supporting these practices in the US immediately.
  msjimmied 08:14 AM on 5/18/2010 361 Fans
  That should put the fear of the law in any wayward person. Interesting, both the businessman and the politician get taken out. Is what Wall Street and Washington doing now defined as "Freedom"? It's been a good 3 years since the sordid tale of our decline started leaking out, and not one banker has been persecuted. Not one politician has been fingered. Is this the freedom we have been lauding? No, what we have is anarchy. I am well aware that China has its problems, but got to give them credit where credit is due. Justice is swift and certain.
  pcpc 08:12 AM on 5/18/2010 21 Fans
  We want communism NOW!
  KarateKid 08:15 AM on 5/18/2010 1418 Fans
  Huang wasn't too big to fail, was he? Too bad he couldn't hire a lobbying firm and buy off the government like these guys do here.
  totaldisbelief 08:07 AM on 5/18/2010 127 Fans
  I guess the Chinese know how to deal with crooks.
  fcsakes 08:05 AM on 5/18/2010 418 Fans
  Gosh, we give our crooks bonuses and take it out of the pockets of struggling Americans.
  maple shaft 08:04 AM on 5/18/2010 28 Fans
  So some chinese billionaire gets 14 years in prison for insider trading and the CEO of BP gets scolded by the president for DESTROYING the gulf of Mexico for the next 50 years.
  How is it that a communist regime ends up being more just than the United States?
  pfc1369 08:28 AM on 5/18/2010 253 Fans
  Because economic justice has been perverted in the USA from the very start, and is constantly being propagandized as 'socialist,' 'communist,' or any other handy 'ist' of the day.
  jc budmo 08:00 AM on 5/18/2010 40 Fans
  Seriously, just consider how utterly unthinkable this is in the US, and yet even modest drug possession by the poor can get 20 years. Democracy is long dead, Corporatocracy thrives.
  malexandria 07:53 AM on 5/18/2010 36 Fans
  Wow, they don't play in China. If only American court system had the guts to put some of our rich crooks in Jail.
  biabouman41 07:51 AM on 5/18/2010 90 Fans
  Obviously, corruption in China is more in the open and much more prosecuted than in the US. To say corruption is more prevalent is another story. If they prosecuted a fraction of the cases in the US that is all we will have in the Newspapers and on tv. I feel there is and has always been much more corruption in the US than most countries, but violators are given almost no punishment if and when they are exposed. And if your company is big enough in the
  US you can get away with murder time and again: (see BP and Mining companies in West Virginia).
  this article accuses the Chinese governing Party of great corruption because they expose and deal with the problem severly. They are not joking with 14year sentences and life sentences for financial corruption. You never see that in the US. We should.
  pfc1369 08:39 AM on 5/18/2010 253 Fans
  "Obviously, corruption in China is more in the open and much more prosecuted than in the US."
  More in the open than "campaign contributions"?
  northstar11 07:50 AM on 5/18/2010 220 Fans
  """""An appliance retailer who was once China's richest businessman was sentenced to 14 years for insider trading and other crimes Tuesday, the latest in a series of Chinese tycoons jailed for financial offenses."""""""
  how backwards can you get ---by american standards he should be exalted as a financial genius and collecting millions in bonuses.
  LazarusDurden 07:34 AM on 5/18/2010 27 Fans
  Wait they locked up a rich guy who committed crimes?!? How dare they! In America we let rich people run roughshod over the law, pay no penance, take no responsibility and let the taxpayers shoulder the burden!
  jsarets 07:27 AM on 5/18/2010 307 Fans
  In America, this is what we call "doing God's work".

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